Publications by the Doc

Dr. Alexandra Swanson has made a reputation as a reputable Social Scientist and Leadership Expert from both her time in federal military service and as a private researcher for the University of Southern California.

Recreationally, she has also dabbled in opinion and advice writing, reflecting her decade-long travels as a global backpacker.

Scroll to See More on Her First Two Publications

An Academic Study, Dense but Informative… With the United States population growing toward a Black Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) majority by 2045 (Gress & Hall, 2017), Outdoor Recreation (O.R.) businesses in the Private-Sector are trying to find opportunities to expand their consumer base. At the same time, their Public-Sector counterparts in city government find themselves wanting to improve BIPOC accessibility for a very different reason–to combat the global urban city health crisis that is disproportionately impacting BIPOC U.S. citizens (Foster et al., 2021). Parks & Recreation departments are being tasked to combat low BIPOC participation rates within their cities, not only to support their own department’s goals of recreational service, but also to support the urban health agendas of their local governments. This study explored the perspective of Public-Sector O.R. leaders on the role of Private-Sector O.R. institutions in initiatives to improve BIPOC access to and participation in O.R. within their communities. The result of this study is a means for private-sector O.R. organizations to find a way to support the growth of BIPOC accessibility at their storefront locations, whilst supporting urban health improvements within the communities they find themselves.

Diversification In the Outdoor Recreation Industry and Its Connection to the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Urban Health Equity Gap

Mastering Travel as a Traditional 9 to 5er

An Easy, Informative Read for Inquisitive Wanna-Be Travelers… Compiled an inspiration piece for office employees that like step-by-step directions, this short read will provide guidance on how to encompass travel into your lifestyle, from 1-week trips to sabbaticals. This read is much more casual for the average reader and zero academia writing. Just advice from a fellow professional out in the field who wants to empower more of her peers to escape into the world for some Exploring and Adventuring.

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